Exposing the Heiress Read online

Page 14

  Butting up against the staircase wall was a curved wet bar with stools. It was the wall behind that grabbed his full attention. Dozens of photos were grouped artfully. Many were of kids and some adults with physical issues but all wearing smiles. Several had companion dogs.

  This room was the real Lyssie. Studying the pictures, one caught his interest. “That’s your parents.” He didn’t recall ever meeting her dad before he died, but he’d seen photos. This one was against a bright blue sky surrounded by… “Castle ruins?”

  “That’s where my dad asked my mom to marry him in Scotland, away from all the Hollywood mania that surrounded my mom at the time. They looked so happy there.”

  Oh, now he understood her reason for wanting to go to Scotland. She had more pictures, a lot of him and his family. “There are two empty spaces.”

  “Nate. I took them down the night I gave his ring back. If I entertain for work it’s upstairs, but this room is mine and I don’t want him in here. Besides, he thought this room was tacky, and wanted me to redo it in a theater room.”

  Hunt would be perfectly happy on that couch with a beer watching an action flick or his beloved UFC. “You don’t like your upstairs?”

  A grimace crossed her face. “I like the deck and my bedroom, the rest is boring, generic.”

  “Honey, I’m not sure you’re doing this heiress thing right. You have the money to make your house however you want it.”

  “I did. I have this room and put in an elevator.”

  “Where’s the elevator?”

  “Hidden panel in the hallway to the stairs.”

  Why would she…? His gaze went to the pictures. “For your friends?” A few of them were in wheelchairs.

  “Sometimes we have little get-togethers here. Play some ping-pong or watch TV.” She tugged his hand. “I have something else to show you.” She took him by a small office, a bathroom, then into the last room.

  The first thing he saw was the spinning table used for sculpting. There was also a sturdy worktable piled with bags, a stool, a cabinet and in the corner a comfortable looking club chair.

  “I thought you could use this for your studio while we’re here. This door handle locks. When Cooper put the new locks in, I had him do a separate one for this room. I’ll give you the key. No one will come in here. You can arrange it how you like. If you need more stuff, we’ll get it.”

  For a few seconds, he just stood there, her words pouring over his back while he tried to make sense of the room. A studio. To sculpt. Finally her silence got his attention. Settling his hands on her shoulders, he blurted out, “You did this? When?”

  “After you told me how important your studio is at the cabin. I consulted with Erin and ordered everything and had it delivered. Jessie, my housekeeper, put it all in here.” She bit her lip, swaying nervously. “For however long we’re here, I wanted you to have this in case you have nightmares and need to sculpt, or if you just want to. You have your own space.”

  Lyssie had heard him and cared enough to do this. It boggled his mind.

  “You don’t have to use it. It was just a thought. Not a big deal.”

  It was a big fucking deal, so big it tightened his throat. She understood his need to sculpt. He tugged her into his arms. “I love it, thank you, Lyssie. It’s perfect.”

  Her smile lit up his insides. “Good. You can organize this later. I’ll help if you want.” She tugged him out of the room, closed the door, locked it and handed him the key. “It’s yours.” Without another word she started back to the rec room.

  That small silver key in his hand felt more significant than just a key to a door. A gift from a woman who gave him the space he needed. Tucking it into his pocket, he latched onto her hand.

  Hunt eyed the ping-pong table. “I’d forgotten your obsession with ping-pong.”

  Her grin curved wickedly. “That’s why I had you bring the condom down here. Want to play? If you win, you get what you want, and if I win, I get what I want.”

  Oh, he was very interested, even more as he understood that this was the part of Lyssie’s house she loved and she was sharing it with him in a special way. He curled his arm around her waist. “What do you want, princess? Be specific. If we’re betting, I want to know what I’m risking here. If I win, I get to peel off your clothes, and bend you over the ping-pong table.”

  Her breath hitched but she lifted her chin. “If I win, you have to strip for me and let me kiss you anywhere I want as long as I want.”

  He sucked in a breath, his body humming with need that shot straight to his groin. The image of her on her knees, her silky hair sliding along his thighs… “Get the paddles.” He barely got the words out.

  After four games, they were tied. Lyssie glared at him. “How can you be this good?”

  He laughed at her disgruntlement. “Sniper skills, baby. Fast reflexes, superior hand–eye coordination, and the ability to judge distance and wind conditions to hit any target.” He tossed her the ball. “Your serve. Game five is the tiebreaker. Bring it.”

  She caught the ball then set it and the paddle down. “I call unfair advantage. I need to even things up.”

  “That right? What are you going to do, tie one hand behind my back? I’ll still win.” The words dried up as Lyssie whipped off her T-shirt. Backlit by the sun streaming through the window, her brown hair gleamed as it fell around her bare shoulders. Hunt slowly trailed his gaze down her long throat to her breasts tipped with dark nipples that stiffened into peaks before his eyes.

  His mouth dried.

  He continued his inspection over her rib cage then down her flat belly to the delicate tattoo peeking over her jeans riding low on her hip bones. His hands itched to mold and shape her alluring lines, while sucking on her—

  Hell. Shifting his hips to accommodate his hardening cock, he forced himself to look up. “That’s cheating.”

  She flashed him a kick-ass grin. “What? The big bad sniper is distracted by this?” She skated her fingers up her belly and circled the small mounds of her breasts.

  “I won’t be distracted when I have you bent over this table and use this paddle on your ass. Serve.”


  Alyssa never bounced so much in her life, but it worked. She had two points on Hunt. “Game point, Marine. Ready to admit defeat?”

  “Are you gloating?”

  She laughed, her entire body humming with happiness. Feeling lighter and braver than she had in years, Alyssa said, “It’s not gloating when you’ve got game.” She tossed up the ball and served.

  Hunt jerked his gaze from her breasts and returned the serve a fraction too late. It flew over the side of the table.

  “I win!” Alyssa threw up her hands and shimmied. “You lose.”

  “Keep on dancing, princess. It’s hot.”

  “I win, you have to do what I say. You can’t welch.”

  Hunt twisted the paddle in his hand, a sexy glint in his eyes. “I never welch. But we have a problem, sweetheart.” His voice lowered into a silky command and he advanced on her slowly, with sizzling intent glowing in his eyes.

  Danger and excitement skittered and popped. “What?”

  He stopped two feet from her, between the ping-pong table and the back of the sofa. “You cheated to get your win. Hold this.” He held out his hand.

  She dropped her gaze to the paddle. Why didn’t he just set it down? She wrapped her fingers around the handle and reached to put it on the table.

  “No. Hold it.” Hunt snapped the order while digging his hand into his pocket and pulling out a wrapped condom. “And keep this in your other hand.”

  She took the condom. “Why am I holding these?”

  “Cheaters don’t get to ask questions.” He curved his large hands around her breasts and teased her nipples. “Especially cheaters with pretty little tits that distract the hell out of me. Caused me to lose a very important match.”

  Every nerve homed in on his hands teasing her nipples. Hot streaks of fire
shot down to her core. She clenched her thighs and arched her back. Wait, she won, not him. “So you’re not going to give me my prize?”

  “Oh, I’m paying up, but you have a penalty coming for cheating. You will hold onto that paddle and condom, clear?” He stripped off his shirt and pulled off his shoes and socks. Then he stood, undid his pants and stripped them off with his boxers.

  Six feet plus of gloriously naked Hunt stood in her rec room. All hers for the moment. Before she could take it all in, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and tugged her against his chest, his hot skin crushing her breasts. Gathering her hair in his hand, he tilted her head back and kissed her.

  She shuddered as he invaded her mouth, his tongue hot and aggressive. A harsh ache throbbed deep inside her. Time to get a little control back. Leaving his mouth, she kissed over his jaw, down the column of his throat, vividly conscious of the paddle in her fingers and his hand wrapped around her hair, each slight tug heightening her excitement.

  Going to the bullet inked over his heart and kissing it, she then dragged her tongue over his nipple. She loved the taste of him, clean with a slight salty tang. His cock jerked against her stomach. Leaning back, she looked at his erection. The thick head darkened in color and beaded with clear fluid.

  Her stomach tightened. Impatience dropped her to her knees. Raising her hands, she frowned, remembering the paddle and condom she clutched. The drop of fluid swelled, his cock bouncing. Alyssa glanced up.

  Hunt stared down. Wrapping his hand around his dick, he said, “Lick me. Suck.”

  The guttural demand stripped her down to basic need to please this man, make him burn with the same fire licking between her thighs, soaking her panties. She leaned in and dragged her tongue over his cockhead, wrenching a groan from him. Then she opened her mouth over him. The feel of his thick member sliding over her tongue and against the roof of her mouth made her moan. At the same time, she dragged the edge of the paddle up the inside of Hunt’s thigh, guiding with her other hand. Once she reached his heavy ball sack, she first teased him with her knuckles, then followed that with the sponged side of the paddle, all while sucking him.

  “Lyssie.” Hunt dug his fingers into her scalp, thrusting in and out of her mouth. “Jesus.” After a couple more pumps, he pulled out. “Enough.”

  She sat back and frowned.

  “Give me the paddle.” He held out his hand. “Then put the condom on me.”

  Her stomach flipped. His cock bobbed in front of her face, his chest gleamed with a fine sheen of sweat and his eyes deepened to flame blue.

  Did she trust him? Easy answer—she did right down to her heart, so she handed him the paddle. She ripped open the condom and slid it over the rigid length of his straining erection. She’d barely secured it before Hunt pulled her up on her feet.

  “Undo your jeans, push them and your panties to your knees.”

  Her heart slammed against her ribs. She ripped open her pants and shoved them and her panties to her knees.

  Hunt’s gaze followed, his jaw clenching as he slid his hand between her thighs. “You’re drenched.” His fingers eased around her clit, circling, then glided to her entrance. A second later, he took his hand away, leaving her wanting. Before she could complain, he tugged her against him and kissed her hard, then helped her to the table. Getting behind her, he dragged the paddle over her nipples while kissing a searing wet line down the curve from her neck to her shoulder.

  Alyssa tilted her head, moaning at the sensations of his damp mouth and the titillating paddle. His hard dick branded her back as he pressed against her. Working his way back to her ear, he said, “How many points did you beat me by from cheating?”

  Her entire body was on fire, her skin sensitized. He scraped the paddle over her belly. Turned it sideways and slid it between her thighs. She shuddered and writhed. With Hunt there were no rules, just this clean, freeing trust. “Uh, three?”

  “That’s right.” He licked the delicate shell of her ear. “Bend over the table, Lyssie.” He moved the paddle and guided her down until the cool surface pressed against her stomach, breasts and cheek. “Three swats for three points.” He moved her hair to the side and dragged the paddle down her spine.

  She fisted her hands, shocked at the heat streaking through her.

  “So goddamned beautiful.” He scraped the sponge part over her ass while his fingers slid deep inside her.

  Wet sounds filled the room as he pumped into her most intimate place. “Oh…”

  The paddle came down on her ass with a soft thud. Barely more than a tap, but it reverberated through her, amplifying the feel of his fingers inside her.

  Another light smack and she cried out, pushing back for more. He pressed in and out, but it wasn’t enough. Desperation climbed in her.

  A third gentle swap and her back arched. “Hunt.” She clawed the table, swamped by frenzied desire twisting through her. Sweat coated her body and her vision grayed. Spots danced. Everything tightened impossibly…

  Hunt leaned over her, kissing her shoulder. “Let go, baby. Come.”

  His gentle command ignited her orgasm. Everything unraveled in wild pleasure and sensation. She barely felt herself being picked up and moved.


  She was so fucking gorgeous, but what sucked the breath from Hunt’s lungs was Lyssie’s pure surrender. To him, the man who’d killed so many, whose very name scared the piss out of brutal terrorists. Yet she trusted him so completely that when he lifted her, she wrapped her arms around his neck. The scent of her nearly dropped him to his knees. He battled the driving urge to put her on the ground, spread her thighs, and fuck her.

  Lyssie was more than that to him, so much more. She’d just surrendered to him like no one else. His throat ached as he looked down at her flushed face. After laying her on the couch, he stripped off her shoes and pants, leaving her naked as he knelt between her legs. Her thighs fell open, revealing her swollen slick folds.

  Christ. He wasn’t going to be able to control himself. His cock ached, his balls squeezed. She did this to him, ripped away years of rigid control.

  “Hunt, come here.” She held out both her hands.

  Undone by her, he gathered her hands in his, raised them over her head, and thrust into her body. “I can’t hold back, Lyssie. I want to be gentle.” Her walls closed around his cock, making his back burn with the need to slam into her.

  She kissed his shoulder, then said, “This, Hunt. This is what I want. You…” She met his slow thrust, her fingers clenching around his. “Real. With you I’m not a prissy-ass cover girl.”

  “And I’m not a monster.”

  “Never. You’re the man who never holds back who he is with me. That’s what I want.”

  Every nerve lit on fire. Keeping hold of her hands, he pushed up on his elbows and surged into Lyssie, so deep she gasped. Then she was right there with him, meeting every thrust, going wild beneath him as they both held nothing back.

  She cried out, coming hard. Hunt claimed her mouth as he buried his cock balls-deep in her and released in fiery bliss. What started as a sexy bet between them had shifted into something Hunt couldn’t even name.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Hunt eyed the waiter coming into the private room of the exclusive Jinx restaurant in Malibu. He and Cooper had cleared three waiters to work the room, and there were Jinx bouncers checking on them in the kitchens and private hallway. This place took the security of their high-end patrons seriously. Cooper hovered outside the opened doors leading to the deck overlooking the ocean. They had Lyssie covered, but Hunt couldn’t shake his uneasiness.

  Madden wasn’t predictable and that made him tenser than usual. Setting up Maxine by having her arrested showed just how dangerous the prick was.

  Lyssie refused to let him control how she lived. She’d offered to not come to the birthday party to not be a distraction or put anyone else in danger, but Maxine had had none of that. Lyssie’s friend had a bloodthirsty revenge vibe going
on after her arrest and wanted Madden destroyed while she had a front row seat. Hunt liked her.

  A server came in with a dome-covered plate. “Miss Brooks, where would you like this?”

  “I’ll take it, thank you.” Lyssie stood up.

  What was she doing? Automatically, he cupped her elbow and rose with her. She looked drop-dead gorgeous with streaks of silver shimmering in her curling dark hair that matched her sheath dress. The dress ended mid-thigh, leaving her wickedly long legs bare down to some killer shoes. She managed those four-inch-plus heels with skill, probably had had lots of practice, but he still had the compulsion to keep his hand on her in case she stumbled.

  Alyssa took the plate and looked around the table filled with laughing and drinking people, including the birthday girl, Maxine. The rest of the guests consisted of Maxine’s mom, brother, his girlfriend and a slew of relatives and friends. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back. Please keep eating.” She turned to him. “You too. I’ll be safe, I’m just taking this to Cooper.”

  Oh hell, this he had to see. Hunt eased the heavy dish from her hands. “What’s in here?”

  “I didn’t know what he liked, so I ordered three selections, a beef, fish and chicken. Hope he likes something in there.” She reached for the plate.

  Shifting it to one hand, he put his palm on her back. “Let’s go ask him.” He led her past the two long tables out into the cool air scented with the ocean and the burning torches.