Exposing the Heiress Read online

Page 9

  She shook her head. “I did it, I asked you to kiss me.” She turned to Erin. “I went to Hunt because I was desperate. I know it looks like I’m cheating on my fiancé with Hunt, but it’s not the case. I broke up with Nate, then went to Hunt because I was scared and needed help. This…” She gestured to the phone. “Just happened.”

  Hunt couldn’t believe how everything had gone to shit in seconds. “Lyssie—”

  “I need to make some calls.” She slipped between him and his sister, heading toward the hallway.

  “Alyssa!” Erin called out.

  She halted by the sofa and looked back.

  The anger and frustration had drained from his sister. Now she appeared confused. “Who’s Eli?”

  Hunt tensed, ready to tell Erin to back off.

  Lyssie closed her eyes, then opened them. “He’s my son.” Then she was gone.

  Hunt ran a hand over his face. “Goddamnit.” He snatched his phone out of his pocket and saw a dozen missed text messages and voicemails. He’d set it on vibrate earlier today after finally deciding which statue to show Lyssie.

  He’d shared a part of his darkness with her and she’d still wanted him, trusted him, just like she’d trusted him at the cliffs, and he’d failed her.

  Erin put her hand on his arm. “Alyssa has a son?”

  He met his sister’s eyes. “She gave him up for adoption at birth. It wasn’t long after her mom died. Her ex is threatening her and the boy to force her to marry him. That’s why she ran to me for help.”

  Erin’s face blanched. “Damn.”


  She peered up at him. “You care about Alyssa.”

  He gripped the edge of the counter and met his sister’s eyes. “I shouldn’t touch her. I’m too damaged.”

  Erin popped her butt up on the counter and swung her legs. “Didn’t look like she was fighting you off in that picture. Or when I walked in tonight. I don’t even want to know why your shirt is balled up on the counter.”

  Hunt glanced at his T-shirt, regret digging in. Lyssie was so damned giving and trusting, and he hadn’t protected her. It crawled up his spine, tightening his jaw. “She’s lonely.”

  His sister snorted. “Yeah. The rich, beautiful heiress that rocks the cover of every magazine is so lonely that you’re her only choice for a hookup.” She glared at him. “I was her best friend, you think I don’t know she had it bad for you?”

  Hunt crossed his arms. “I’ve changed.”

  Worry shadowed her eyes. “Yeah, you have. You came home with scars, Hunt. We all know it.”

  “I’m dealing with it.” That’s why he needed his studio. Art was the only way he could give voice to his nightmares.

  She nodded. “So yeah, you changed, but one thing hasn’t.” Erin leaned closer. “You’re the one Alyssa ran to. After all these years, Hunt, it was you. It’s always been you.”

  Stunned, he snapped upright. Erin had a point. When Lyssie had been truly scared and out of options, she had run to him.

  “The question is, can you let go of your ghosts and grab on to your chance for something special? Or do you want to spend the rest of your life holed up in a locked room wishing you’d had the guts to try?”


  “Some bastard took a picture of you in a private moment and sold it to a tabloid. Don’t you get sick of that crap? They should be arrested for sneaking around and invading your privacy.”

  Alyssa had calmed down in the last couple hours. Hunt called Griff then handed Alyssa the phone. The man had assured her Eli and his family were fine, no problems. Then Erin had burst into her bedroom, and the next thing Alyssa knew, she was spilling her guts, telling Erin about her baby and what happened with Nate.

  Now she was tired of talking about herself. The lighted pool shimmered in the soft night as she and Erin sat with their legs dangling in the warm water. “Um, speaking of invasions, you barged in tonight because you saw the picture.”

  “That’s different. Hunt never changed the locks, and he gave me his alarm codes to keep an eye on the house when he’s not here.” She scrunched her nose and glared across the pool. “The only code he won’t give me is to the studio.”

  “And you haven’t cracked it yet?”

  “No, damn it.”

  Erin was still the same, and God she had missed her.

  “I can’t believe he gave you one of his sculptures. He hasn’t shown anyone.”

  She leaned against Erin’s shoulder. “I’m safer. Hunt loves you guys too much. My opinion isn’t as important to him.”

  “You’re wrong. He trusts you with this part of him that he can’t trust with us. That’s huge, Alyssa.”

  Her stomach warmed at the idea that she might be able to help Hunt a little bit. That she’d leave him with something more than just memories of sex with her. Speaking of that, “You’re really not mad at me anymore for kissing Hunt?” They’d done more than kiss, but Erin didn’t need the details.

  “I was hurt, not mad. You were my best friend, Alyssa, then you pushed us out of your life. And I get it now, well, as much as I can without having actually been through what you had.” She paused and added, “Don’t hurt Hunt. I know what Rachel did after that mall shooting.” Erin compressed her mouth. “She hurt my brother after he saved her and a lot of other people’s lives that day.”

  “Why didn’t you kick her ass?”

  “I would have, but I didn’t want her to go to the media and tell them Hunt’s name. I’m not sure how he managed to keep his identity quiet, but he never wanted that spotlight on him.”

  Oh. Worry poured back into her. “Crap, that picture could bring the spotlight down on him.”

  Erin’s shoulder bumped her. “Let’s not do this tonight. Hunt’s letting you in, and he gave you that sculpture. You’re reaching him when no one else could. You’re safe here from your asshole ex, and he can’t get to the kid either. We need to celebrate and have fun.” She lowered her eyes. “My bikini looks good on you. Hunt’s going to lose his mind when he sees you in that. Now let’s see if we can get him to let loose a little bit.”

  More than ready for a break from the constant tension, she asked, “How?”

  “Remember when we used to practice our dance moves out here?”

  That made her grin. “Your mom danced with us too.”

  “Hunt and my dad would pick us up and spin us around and around until we were dizzy.”

  Alyssa climbed to her feet. “Or Hunt would accidently let go, tossing us in the pool.”

  Erin turned on the music and grabbed Alyssa’s hand.

  As the music flowed around them, along with the scent of grapes and pool water, her worries fell away.


  Hunt damn near fell into the pool. He’d finished his phone call, making the arrangements for a surprise for Lyssie. After he changed into his board shorts, he came outside to music blasting. His gaze barely slid over his sister before locking onto Lyssie—her head thrown back, hair swinging as she danced with total abandon.

  Stopping before he tumbled over the pool edge into the water, he got an eyeful of a criminally tiny bikini top barely covering her breasts. His mouth watered and his hands itched to mold and shape those small mounds, then draw that top down and expose her nipples. Would they be dark with tight little points?

  She twisted around and light shimmered off the pale skin of her stomach with the gentle swell of her hips. His attention caught on her small heart tattoo with the tear center, the tail of the heart dipping into the wisp of black material masquerading as bikini bottoms. They barely covered her and were cut so high on her thighs it would just take a nudge of his fingers…

  Or tongue…

  Stop. Jesus. He tried to close his eyes, but his lids weren’t cooperating. God he wanted her. Was desperate to be inside her, feeling her heat spasm around him as she lost control for him. And he’d be right there with her, coming hard enough to forget his own name. The need pounded deep in his spine.
br />   Lyssie erupted in laughter, the rich sound rolling over his skin like a caress. Sensual fire burned in her as she let herself go…just danced. He fisted his hands to keep from yanking her against his body to feel every inch of her flaming beauty sliding against him. His blood thundered and his heart pounded with a blazing need to have her.

  Not just her body, but the essence of her that burned away the ice caging him. There was such hope in her, the way she viewed the world with a rare optimism even though she’d been through dark shit. All he had to do was recall her pictures to know that view was her truth. Where Hunt saw potential ambushes and death, Lyssie saw hope and love.

  She drew him like no one else ever had.

  Another laugh rolled through him, torturing his cock and maybe his soul.

  Hunt dragged in a gulp of air and ordered his body to stand down. Now. He’d trained to have absolute control.

  His body gave him the finger as heat licked his nerve endings.

  “There you are,” his sister yelled out. “Come dance with us.”

  If he got within touching distance of Lyssie… Nope. “I’ll swim.” He dove into the pool and swam a few laps, trying to cool off. Finally he headed to the shallow end, braced his arms on the deck. “You two tire yourselves out yet?”

  “Nope, but I’m thirsty.” Erin grabbed the two bottles of water.

  Lyssie faced him and smirked. “We’re young, we don’t tire out like an old man.”

  Erin laughed. “He turned thirty this year. Probably gets worn out just thinking about dancing.”

  “Thirty!” Turning, she gave him a pitying look. “Will you need help getting out of the pool?”

  With his hands on the deck, he leaped out of the water and started toward the troublemakers. “That’s three, princess.”

  Lyssie’s eyes widened and she lowered the water bottle. “Three what?”

  “Times you’ve smarted off. Lucky for you the pool’s nice and warm.” He stalked toward her.

  She spun, slapped down her water bottle and launched into a run.

  She was fast, her runner’s muscles rippling down her thighs and calves, but he was faster. Hunt sprang, catching her before she got to the house, and easily sweeping her up into his arms. Her warm skin pressed against his as he strode to the pool. “Do I feel old to you now?”

  “Put me down!” Squirming and laughing at the same time, she tried to push against his chest.

  He reached the edge of the pool and jumped in while holding her.

  Erin followed them in to save Lyssie. Hunt laughed and tossed his sister across the pool. It was on. The two girls spent an hour trying to tackle him. When they tired, Hunt leaned back in the shallow end while the girls sat on the edge of the pool.

  Erin blurted out, “Alyssa said she’d do a tribute video for Mom and Dad’s award dinner as a surprise from you and me.”

  Hunt raised his eyebrows. “Lyssie’s doing all the work, and we’re taking the credit? Did you twist her arm?” Erin could be very persuasive.

  “Actually, I offered. I’d love to do it if you don’t mind. I’ll need to get interviews with both of you.”

  The pool lights reflected off her flushed skin and bright eyes, yet her fingers clutching the edge of the pool were white knuckled. As if she feared his answer. “It’s a great idea. They’ll be thrilled.”

  He turned his attention to his sister. “Did you tell Lyssie about your show in New York?” He was so damned proud of his sister.

  “New York?” Alyssa’s face flooded with happiness. “Oh my God, Erin, that’s huge! Tell me everything.”

  Erin described the upcoming event and the pieces she planned to show, then ended with, “Will you come, Alyssa? You and Hunt can come together.”

  “Oh, I’d love to.” Her uncertain gaze collided with his, then she jerked it away. “But I’ll come on my own. By then, my problems with Nate will be resolved and Hunt will move on to his next job.”

  That brought him up short. Was that what she thought? She was just a job? That’s what you told her. Oh sure you’re not letting her pay you, but you told her that you’d only screw her while you’re her bodyguard.

  Was he really any different from everyone else who used her?


  Alyssa cleaned up the patio, throwing away water bottles and laying towels out to dry while Hunt walked his sister out to her car. Done with that, she went to the wrought iron table and pulled out her camera to look at the shots she’d gotten tonight.

  She heard the sliding door open. Her skin tightened and her pulse skipped. Hunt. Was he coming out to talk to her, or to go in his studio and lock her out?

  Or did he want to finish what Erin interrupted earlier?

  Needing some way to get control of the sensation that was careening out of control, she switched her camera to video and watched him in the display window as he strode toward her. The pool lights danced off his sandy hair and dark tats streaked over his shoulders and biceps. It made her happy to capture them on video, where the fluidity of the lines would show better than a picture.

  Hunt stopped but Alyssa moved around him, getting a close-up on the script of one bicep then the other. “Stay still.”

  “Hey, you’re the cover girl, not me.”

  “Quiet, I’m working here.”

  “Is that right?” He pivoted until he faced her. “In your bikini?”

  “That’s the beauty of being behind the camera. It doesn’t matter what I wear.”

  “Oh, it matters to me.”

  His voice had pitched low, trembling in her chest and belly. Alyssa homed in on the one tat she’d seen for the first time earlier tonight. Holding the camera with one hand, she traced the bullet inked over his heart. “Why?”

  His eyes shadowed. “Superstition. It was my first tat.”

  “What does it signify?”

  “The bullet meant to kill me. If I have it, then another sniper doesn’t.”

  A shiver forced her to pull her hand back to hold the camera steady. Something shifted in her head, and adrenaline flooded her veins. “Did you want to be a sniper?”

  He backed up a step, sliding onto a barstool. “Are you interviewing me?”



  Alyssa lowered the camera, pausing the video. This was the man who’d shared one of his sculptures with her. She wanted to tell him about her website. Would he laugh at her? Think it silly and a waste of time like Nate and Parker? Be brave. “It’s my dream.”

  He arched a brow. “To interview me?”

  “There’s that ego again.” She rolled her eyes. “I meant finding out people’s stories. Not famous people, but real people. Like Treva, she’s incredible. And there are so many more like her. Some I do in still shots, others I do videos with my voice over. I would love to get stories like the man who owns the taco stand. Surviving a roadside bomb, that can’t be easy, but he does it. Maybe when I get my life sorted out, I can talk to him, see if he’d be open to the idea.”

  Hunt leaned back, stretching one arm along the bar. “This is what you’ve been working on.”

  She wanted him to know. “I’m working on a website to launch soon. It’s called Streets of Valor. Getting stories in a picture or video of people who overcome adversity or do incredible things.” Passion burned in her chest.

  Hunt went absolutely still. “Don’t put me on your site.”

  Is that what he thought? “I never do that without permission. I always get signed releases. I know what it feels like to be exposed that way, like the picture of us that’s out there now.” Dropping her eyes to her camera, she added, “This was just for me.”

  “All right, ask me a question.”

  Her doubt cleared and she restarted her video. “So did you want to become a sniper?” She’d known he’d wanted to be a Marine, but not a sniper.

  Hunt shifted, leaning an elbow on his thigh. “Yes. I thought I would track down the worst mass murderers, the men who strapped bombs to childre
n, sent them into a crowd and killed dozens. Men who masterminded flying airplanes into buildings full of innocents.”

  The intensity rolling off him and the way his eyes looked right into the camera gave her chills. This was the kind of reality few people would ever encounter in their lives. “Did you?”

  “I absolutely saved countless lives. I became the Nightmare Ghost Hunter that terrorists around the world feared, but there’s always a cost. Killing changes a man, and it’s all too easy to become the very thing you kill.”

  The truth of that sliced into her. “But you didn’t.”

  “No. I left before that happened. And every day here at home, I keep a careful lock on that part of me. The killer.”

  His honesty stunned her. “Is that really what they called you? Nightmare Ghost Hunter?”

  Hunt reached out, taking the camera from her and turning it off. “You pull more out of me than anyone else.” He cupped his warm hands around her hips. “I never talk about this.”

  She liked that he talked to her and wanted to reassure him. “No one will see this unless you want to share it someday, maybe with your family.” A sense of power filled her. Not cruel power like Nate tried to exert over her, but the power to help the man she cared about. “If you trust me, I can show you what you look like through my eyes. I understand that you were a sniper, but that was one part of the bigger picture of who you are.” A courageous, honorable man who deserved to love and to be loved.

  He rubbed his thumbs over her hip bones. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me right now, showing me what you really love? Owning your passion about your website? That’s hot, baby.”

  He found her sexy like this? Her pulse danced all over the place, blood rushed in her ears. Every brush of his fingertips shot straight to her nipples. Need pooled in her belly. It happened so fast, she could barely breathe.

  “Drying hair tumbling around you, that ridiculous excuse for a bikini clinging to your breasts, outlining your stiff nipples.” His eyes rose to hers. “Begging for my hands and mouth.”

  Hot intensity rolled off him. Her nipples tightened to the point of pain, crazed for his touch. Alyssa couldn’t move, frozen to the spot beneath his sizzling scrutiny.