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The Baby Bargain Page 14

  Chapter Sixteen

  Adam watched Megan turn away from him. He didn’t like it. He took hold of her hand. “You trust me. We’ll find out who is betraying you together.”

  She took a deep breath and squeezed his hand. “Thank you. I mean it. I know I didn’t trust you when I should have, but I appreciate you being here now.”

  His pulse sped up. It was time for Adam to man up and tell her how he felt. “I’m in this for the long haul. I’m going to be there for you and for our son whenever you need me.”

  Her eyes softened. “I’m not doubting your commitment to Cole. I can drive him to L.A. on weekends. I’m hoping you’ll let me stay with him until he’s older. I’m just not ready to be that far away overnight.”

  Adam studied Cole, who was watching his parents as he stacked the plastic containers.

  “No,” he said.

  Meg’s face blanched.

  “Maybe a hotel, just so I’ll be nearby if—”

  “Megan.” Her hand was so cold. Gently, he stroked her palm with his thumb. “I’ve been thinking, and we’re not shuffling our son around like a package. I’ll figure out something with the business. I can either relocate Once A Marine Security Agency here, or I’ll set up a satellite office in Raven’s Cove and split my time between them. With Sienna running the office in L.A., that could work. We’re the parents, we make the sacrifices. Not the kid.”

  She stared up at him. “I have to stop doing that. Stop thinking you’re going to act like my father did. You’re not going to send support checks with For the leech written in the memo line.”

  “ ’Leech’?” Adam repeated, fighting to get his anger under control.

  Cole looked up at him, his eyes wide. Adam smiled, trying to reassure him. The boy went back to playing.

  Adam pulled Megan’s hand into both of his. “Catherine let you see that?”

  Megan shook her head. “I used to look for the envelopes. I wanted to believe that my dad would send me something, a note maybe, and my mom wasn’t giving it to me. I saw a few of his checks, always with something like that on the memo line.”

  No wonder she’d had a hard time trusting him with Cole. “Where does your father live now?”

  She frowned. “I don’t know. Last I heard he was in Chicago.” Then she shrugged. “He doesn’t matter. And it’s not him doing this, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

  “I wasn’t, but I think I’ll have my other guy, Cooper Sims, go pay him a visit.” Adam smiled to himself. Cooper was a scary son of a bitch. Resolving that problem in his mind, he went back to figuring out who was framing her. “Did anyone in your office know Nathan tried to blackmail you?”

  Meg pulled her hand from of him. “No. I was alone when he came in. That’s one of the reasons I think Nathan’s behind it. Maybe he paid off Dara or Trina.”

  “Or Jillian.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Or her.”

  Adam couldn’t stand not touching her. As Cole opened and closed the cupboard door, Adam put his hand on Meg’s back and asked, “Did you confide in anyone else?”

  “At the fund-raising gala. I told Lawrence. He said he’d talk to Nathan…” She trailed off, her eyes narrowing. “He’d already have decided he was giving a deposition for Nathan.”

  Adam opened his mouth. Then Megan held up her hand, so he shut it. Waited.

  “Then there were the things he said to me in the parking lot on the day of the deposition. And then Bridget said she saw him and Trina at her café.”

  Her face flooded with angry color, making her blue eyes stand out. Adam watched her fit the puzzle together. She was amazing, beautiful, smart, and strong. Yeah, she missed that her mentor was betraying her, but people rarely saw danger in someone they had trusted for a long time. Now that she did see it, she was facing it square on. That was all kinds of sexy. Except that a man she had counted as a friend and mentor had betrayed her.

  Megan sucked in a breath. “All this time, I thought we were friends. Turns out he’s been pissed that I went out on my own and that Debbie moved his most famous client, Celtic Fire, to my care.” She shook her head. “I thought he was proud of me.”

  “We’ll get him, Meg. He’s been clever, but I have an idea.”

  She tilted her head up. “What?”

  “Go into work tomorrow morning. Tell your staff you’ll be in late Tuesday morning because you’re going to the sheriff’s station. The sheriff believes they have new evidence that will not only clear you, but that will also lead them to who really stole Celtic Fire.”

  “We lie?”

  “Yes. And see if it flushes anyone out. My guys and I will track all three of them. Tonight, after Cole goes to bed, we’re going to install some equipment in your office: cameras, recorders, stealth tracking for anyone who uses a cell phone within range. Assuming it’s Trina, and I’m betting it is, she’ll call or text the person she’s working with.”


  He reached up to push her hair behind her shoulder. “I think it is. I saw the way he looked at you at the gala. Possessive as hell. Plus at the barbecue yesterday, when you were in the dunk tank, Lawrence told me you had tried to convince him Cole was his kid.”

  Her eyes burned with fury. “I never did that. Never. You’re on the birth certificate. I never had sex with Lawrence. He asked me out, but I turned him down.” Pressing her lips tight, she turned to watch Cole playing.

  Adam moved closer to her. “Meg, look at me.”

  She lifted her gaze.

  “I didn’t believe him.”

  She blinked. “You suspected him before that, didn’t you?”

  “I had a background done on him, too. I told you, he looked at you in a way that made me want to slam his face through a brick wall, but I didn’t want to piss you off.”

  “I suppose that would have ruined my desire to have sex with you that night,” she said dryly.

  Adam didn’t want her to think he only wanted her for that. “You have always been more than sex to me. But I couldn’t handle my real feelings for you.” His throat closed up at the thought of it, but he refused to give in. “Once we clear your name, I want to tell you why I’m so screwed up. I’m not going to lie to you—I’ve never told anyone, couldn’t talk about it. With you, I want to try.” His gut cramped. Once he did it, if he could do it, she might leave him. Could even refuse to allow him around their son. It would be a risk to tell her.

  But he remembered her last night. She had cared enough to give him her body, accepting him as he was. The risk was worth it.

  “Just think about it, okay? You don’t have to listen if you don’t want to. I won’t pressure you for more if you’re done with me.”

  Cole started to whine.

  “Our son’s hungry. I’ll go start the barbecue.”


  Megan was still reeling as she set the alarm exactly as Adam had taught her. They cooked burgers, ate, and laughed, then Megan had brought out her photos of Cole from his birth on. The three of them looked at them together.

  Adam had touched the picture of newborn Cole, his face wistful.

  After they gave Cole a bath and put him in bed, he had drawn her in his arms and kissed her. She still tingled in all the right places. He said it would take a few hours to get her office wired and then he’d be home.


  When he came home, she planned to tell him she wanted to build a life with him. She didn’t know what it was exactly that tormented him, but she trusted that it was something she could accept. He was sharing more of himself and, in time, he’d be able to tell her what it was.

  Feeling happier than she had in a long time, she went into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. Just as she set the bottle down, something brushed against her leg. She looked down and laughed. Ellie sat next to her, the big stuffed puppy that she had won for Cole hanging out of her mouth. She rubbed the dog’s ear. “Did you adopt that as your baby, Ellie?”

  Her tail wagged
and she ducked her head.

  “You’re a sweet girl. I’m sure Cole won’t mind sharing his toy with you.” Megan walked over to Max and hunkered down to pet him. He pressed his long muzzle into the curve of her neck. She stroked his fur, a wave of love for him filling her chest. From the first time she brought him home, he’d become a part of her family. He protected them, loved them, played with them, and kept an eye on Cole.

  She smiled at the memory of Adam and Cole playing Frisbee with Max tonight. The dog loved Frisbee. Ellie had sat with Megan and watched Max running after the flying disc and leaping to catch it. He rarely missed.

  Her phone rang, snapping her back to the present.

  She found her cell on the kitchen counter and saw from caller ID that it was Bridget. Grinning, she put the phone to her ear. “Hey. You on a break?”

  “Dinner break. Got your text, what’s up?”

  The dogs wandered down the hall to Cole’s room. Megan picked up her wine and headed to the living room couch. “Two things.” She had so much to tell her. “The good news first. Adam told me tonight…” She launched into the story, feeling like a teenager talking about her boyfriend. The only thing she left out of the discussion was whatever gave Adam nightmares. That was no one else’s business.

  “He better not break your heart, or my little Cole’s heart. I don’t care if he’s some kind of trained killer, I will rip his liver out and—”

  Megan cut her off when she heard a key in her front door. “I think that’s Adam now. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Fine, but make it tonight. I want to know everything.”

  She smiled. “Okay. ’Bye.” She hung up and rose just as Max tore out of the room, a low warning growl building in his chest.

  “Max, it’s just—” Her words died in her throat as the door opened. It wasn’t Adam.

  It was Lawrence.

  Max skidded to a halt in front of Megan, clearly recognizing Lawrence’s scent. He stopped growling but whined, sensing something was off.

  “What the hell are you doing coming into my house? How did you get a key?” Her thoughts went from frozen to spinning wildly. They suspected Lawrence of working with Trina to set her up. Now he was coming into her house. As much as she didn’t want to believe Lawrence was after her, she had no choice.

  Lawrence shut the door. “You think changing the locks would stop me? Easy enough to get a copy of the new key.” He shoved his keys in his pocket. “I need to talk to you. This is important, Megan. Serious. You need to listen.”

  “You need to leave,” she said. She had to get him out of her house. He wasn’t dangerous, he wouldn’t hurt her, but she felt uneasy. And Cole was in bed. She wasn’t going to risk her son’s safety on her belief that Lawrence wasn’t dangerous. She walked toward him. “Give me my house key and leave.”

  Max cut her off, herding her back so he was between them.

  “I’m not leaving without you and Cole. I waited until Adam left, and I’m here to get you and the boy out of here. You don’t know what he is, Megan. Your son is in danger. Did you learn nothing from the incident at the pond?” Lawrence took a step forward.

  Max growled.

  “Max, knock that off. You know me.” He looked up, his eyes grave. “What has he done to your dog? Max isn’t stupid, he’s not going to be easily swayed. Why’s he acting like this? Did Adam drug him?”

  Her world was tilting. Lawrence was acting as if somehow getting a copy of her house key and using it to walk into her house was normal. He sounded genuinely confused by Max’s hostile behavior. “Set my key down and get out of my house.” She lifted the phone, dialed, and hit the call button. “I’m calling 911.”

  “Put the phone down.”

  It seemed to take forever before she heard the first ring.

  “Do it,” he snapped, and pulled a handful of capped syringes out of his pocket. “Do you know what animal tranquilizers do to two-year-old boys?”

  Sick fear for Cole exploded in her gut. Pulling the phone from her ear, she ended the call.

  “That’s better. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I need you to listen to me. If you still resist, I’ll be forced to call the reporter and tell him to pull the depositions and publish them. You’ll be destroyed in this town. As it is now,” he said, shoving his hand in the front pocket of his slacks, “I can fix this for you. You’ll dissolve your business and return to working for me. I’ll explain to everyone that you weren’t ready to go out on your own and made some mistakes. But now, I’ll guide you.”

  Megan realized that when Lawrence had come in, he had not punched in the code on the alarm panel. It had automatically alerted Adam’s and his guys’ cell phones. Help would be coming. Since she still had the phone in her hand, she pressed the video function on it to record everything. Whatever happened, between her and Max they were not going to let Lawrence get past them to Cole’s bedroom. “Lawrence, why would you do this to me? I trusted you.”

  “Did you, Megan?” He shook his head. “I gave you everything, I made you. You were nothing but a scared little girl. I gave you a job in high school, helped you with your college applications, gave you your job…and you betrayed me. Twice.”

  “How?” Hurry, Adam!

  Max growled a soft warning, his body rigid as he stood guard between her and Lawrence.

  Her mentor narrowed his eyes. “You betrayed me by leaving my practice. And again with that murderer, Adam.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Murderer? Adam’s not a murderer.” Where the hell did he get that? She tried to reason with him, hoping to reach the man she thought she knew. “In the service? He may have killed, but that’s war.”

  Fury colored Lawrence’s face. “Those weren’t his first kills, but I’m sure killing is what drew him to that job.”

  Oh God, he was insane. “You need help, Lawrence, don’t you see? This isn’t rational.”

  He took another step.

  Max lunged, barking ferociously.

  Lawrence pulled something out of his pocket.

  Megan heard the buzz and screamed, “No! Don’t!” She couldn’t believe she was watching her mentor jam a stun gun against the dog’s neck!

  Max whimpered and hit the ground. She rushed forward.

  Lawrence shoved the stun gun back in his pocket, then quickly uncapped one of the syringes in his other hand and injected it into the dog.

  Megan slammed into him. “You bastard!” Red rage fogged her brain. He hurt her dog. He could hurt Cole next!

  The syringes scattered as the two of them tumbled to the ground. She scrambled to get free, but Lawrence rolled her to her back and pinned her down. “Shut up! Or I’ll drug you too!”

  He had her trapped before she could fight him. His eyes shined, and his pupils were dilated. The veins stood out on his neck and forehead. His fingers around her arms were viciously tight. His strength didn’t surprise her, as she’d seen him lift 120-pound dogs. But she’d never thought he’d hurt her or Cole.

  “Are you insane?”

  He smiled coldly. “No. You’re mine. I all but raised you to be my wife and business partner, and you have completely fucked up the plan. It’s time you had a reality check, Megan.”

  Her muscles went lax with utter shock. She actually felt her head spin as her brain tried to grab onto what he was saying. “That’s sick.”

  “What’s sick? Loving your son even if I’m not the father? I’d never hold that against Cole. And it’s my job to protect that boy. I will not let his father kill him too.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Adam went through the window and dropped into Cole’s room. Thank God he was still asleep.

  Logan dropped in after him. Ellie growled, low and frightened. She was spread over Cole’s legs. He touched her head, feeling her tremble. Frightened to death, and yet she tried to protect Cole. Leaning down, he said quietly, “Stay here with Cole, Ellie.”

  Ellie licked his hand.

  Adam leaned over Cole, who was waking slig
htly. “Hey, C-Man. Everything’s fine. Go back to sleep.” The boy closed his eyes.

  For a brief second, Adam felt a wave of powerful love. His son trusted him enough to just close his eyes and go back to sleep. That’s what being a dad was, and he loved it. Now he had to rescue the woman he cared about, too.

  He rose from where he crouched by the bed. Griff and Hunter were circling outside the house, checking the windows and doors. They’d come inside if Adam needed them. He looked directly at Logan. “No one gets to Cole.”

  The other man nodded once. “Go.”

  Adam slipped out of the room and down the hallway. They’d received the alarm about seven minutes ago. Fear had sprung up in him like a geyser, but he’d capped it. He had to save his family.

  He’d activated the speaker on the alarm system he’d installed, allowing him to hear a good deal of what was happening. Now he’d deal with the animal that threatened his Meg. His gut tightened. Lawrence had called him a killer. He knew. Anyone could find out if they looked hard enough.

  Didn’t matter. He had a job to do. Carefully, he looked around the corner into the living room. Max was on the ground, but breathing. Close by, Lawrence straddled Meg, his big hands clamping her arms to the wood floors. And Lawrence was talking.

  “The news will breaking in the morning. The hometown hero—he killed his brother.”

  Meg stared up at Lawrence, her eyes going wide with horror. “You’re lying!”

  “You’re a fool, Megan. A damned fool. It was in San Diego. They were in the waves, and the brother was caught in a riptide. He was pulled under. Adam did nothing. Nothing. He just stood there and watched his brother die. Finally the kid was found, but it was too late.”

  Her face went so white, even her lips looked bloodless. “His brother? Adam had a brother?”

  “Until he killed him.” Lawrence lowered his face. “He dumped Cole in that pond, too.”

  Adam saw her face and knew then it was over. Anything she ever felt for him died. She’d never let him near Cole again. He’d lost her. Lost his family.

  “Now here’s what’s going to happen,” Lawrence said.