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The Baby Bargain Page 15

  Careful of the syringes scattered on the floor, Adam moved with stealth, sliding up behind Lawrence. He shoved his gun against his head. “Release her arms.” He didn’t look at Meg’s face, just watched that Lawrence followed his directions.

  The man let go of her and lifted his arms. “See, Megan?” He twisted suddenly, throwing an elbow into Adam’s ribs.

  Adam raised the gun to the ceiling instantly, not wanting to accidentally shoot Meg. He took the hit and spun with it. As he came back around, he crouched low and launched himself, shoving his forearm against Lawrence’s neck with measured force.

  The impact threw Lawrence off Megan. The other man landed and clawed at his throat, choking and coughing. Griff and Hunter burst into the house. Adam glanced at the man struggling to breathe. “Search him. Police should be here in seconds.”

  He kneeled down next to Megan. She sat up and stared at him with an expression that he’d seen before. In his mother’s eyes.

  “Where are you hurt?” he asked. “Do you need an ambulance?”

  She just stared at him.

  Adam sighed. “Meg, tell me where you’re hurt or you’re going to the hospital. I’m not going to harm you. I’ve been in your house all this time and never hurt you or Cole, right?”

  “Cole!” She shoved past him, running toward the bedroom.

  The sirens screamed the arrival of the police.

  Adam turned to Griff. “Pick up the dog and take him into the back room. Megan will want to examine him.”

  The man frowned at him. “Shouldn’t you—”

  “No,” he cut him off. Adam refused to feel right now. It was over. She knew the truth. He’d read it in her face. “I’ll go inform the sheriff of the situation.”

  He walked out and left his family behind.


  It had been a long night. Megan gratefully took the cup of coffee from Nadine. “Thanks.” She had to come into the sheriff’s station in the morning to give her official statement. At least this time she was there as a witness and not under arrest.

  The sheriff sat down behind her metal desk. “We arrested Trina last night. She gave a full confession. She stole and copied your house key when you let her borrow your car.”

  “I had her use my car to transport a stray puppy to a foster home.” She shook her head. “She did seem to be gone a long time, but I never thought she’d copy my house key.”

  “You didn’t think she’d steal Celtic Fire and put her in your office either.”

  “Why?” There were so many questions. “I trusted her.” She’d trusted Lawrence too, and look where that had gotten her.

  Never mind Adam. He’d left when went to check on Cole. She hadn’t seen him since. No, she told herself, don’t think about him. Not now. One thing at a time.

  “Trina is young and gullible. Dr. Hamilton convinced her that you were doing bad things to animals and they had to stop you. She’s in love with him. Well, she was. Nothing like a pair of steel handcuffs closing around your wrists to burst the romantic fantasy.”

  Sympathy warred with anger as she thought about her veterinary assistant. She was young, and Lawrence was a well-known veterinarian who was liked and respected. He belonged to the country club…he could turn a lot of women’s heads.

  “Get that look off your face, Megan Young.”

  She shot her gaze to Nadine. “What?”

  “Sympathy is not what that girl needs. She needs a little kick in the ass to set her on the right path.”

  Megan sucked in a breath. “I hear you.”

  “You had better. That girl was an accessory to framing you for a crime. You could have lost everything you’ve worked for in this town, plus a lot of money in legal fees. Possibly been put on probation. Remember that when you start thinking about not pressing charges. Trina needs to learn to think, and to remember actions have consequences.”

  Megan forced a smile. “Now I remember why you were elected sheriff. Not even old school friends get a break with you.”

  Nadine smiled back. “My opinion about the charges against you didn’t matter. I had a job to do.”

  Megan waved it off. Nadine had been professional, and she had kept Megan calm throughout the process. “I really thought it was Nathan McCray setting me up, but it was Lawrence.”

  “Nathan believed you and his ex-wife had stolen Celtic Fire together.” Nadine smiled. “You were both wrong.”

  “So what happens to Lawrence?”

  “He’s under arrest but still in the hospital. Adam hit him in the throat, causing some swelling they had to control for him to breathe. He’s lawyered up. But after what you got on your phone video, and the sound Adam picked up with the security system, I think he’s going to take a plea and maybe get some help.”

  Megan nodded, still unable to believe it. “You know, he asked me out a couple of times when I worked for him, then dropped it. I had no idea he had focused on me like that.”

  “From what Trina said, seeing you run off with Adam on the night of your mom’s fund-raising gala sent him over the edge.”

  Megan remembered the run across the golf course to the cabin. Actual pain stabbed her chest. Adam. What was the real story with his brother? Why hadn’t he come to talk to her? Tell her the truth of what happened? He’d promised he would talk to her when this was over.

  Fresh pain twisted through her. Adam had run away again. Just vanished. He didn’t seem to be able to trust her. That was depressing, and it hurt. And that wasn’t the only thing that saddened her. “Then there’s Trina. I don’t seem to be a good judge of people.”

  “Megan, go home. You’ve been through hell. You have to be sore from the struggle. And I’d bet my badge you didn’t sleep last night.”

  “I had to watch Max.” He’d been fine by about two a.m. She smiled, remembering Ellie licking Max’s face. Logan had told her that they’d found Ellie draped over Cole, growling and shaking horribly. Her timid little girl had been trying so hard to be brave and protect Cole.

  “Go home. You’ve signed your statement, we have everything we need.”

  “Thanks, Nadine.”

  Going out into the sunshine, she sucked in a breath of air.

  Megan’s phone rang just as she got into her car. Her heart leaped with hope. Fishing her cell out, she looked at the caller ID.

  Not Adam.


  “It’s Sienna Walker, Adam’s assistant.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t find Adam. Has he been in contact with you?”

  “No. Not unless he went to my house while I was at the sheriff’s station.”

  “I just got off the phone with your mother, and she says he’s not there. The guys are looking for him. We’re all worried.”

  “I haven’t seen him.” She stared out her windshield, trying to think. “Have they tried his parents’ house? What about the hotel?”

  “Not there or there. Megan, do you have any ideas? Where else would he go?”

  The tournament was on Saturday. “The country club? Maybe he’s checking things out?”

  “No one has seen him.”

  “I don’t know where he could be.”

  “Do you even care?” Sienna snapped.

  Megan blinked. “Of course I do. He’s the one who walked out and didn’t come back!” Tears burned her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

  “Do you know he’s arranged for half the proceeds from his parents’ house to go to you once escrow closes? And he has the lawyers drawing up child support payments.”

  “He sold the house?”

  “And he was looking into moving the business. For you, Megan. He would do anything for you and Cole.”

  “Then why did he walk out?”

  There was silence, then the other woman said, “None of us ever knew Adam had a brother. But we all know Adam. He didn’t kill his brother. And he didn’t try to drown Cole.”

  Megan felt the icy accusation right to her heart.
“I didn’t say he did! I never thought that!”

  “Does he know that, Megan? Griff says you stared at him like he was a monster.”

  “No!” The memories crashed over her and spilled out in words. “I was in shock. Adam was just there with the gun. I was so scared when Lawrence tried to attack him.” The scene flipped through her mind. “Adam moved so fast. He took Lawrence down in seconds.”

  “He’s highly trained.”

  “Then he asked where I was hurt, and I thought about Cole and I panicked.”

  “That Adam had hurt him?”

  “No! I never thought that! I just had to get to my baby.” It had made sense to her at the time.

  But to Adam… Oh God. “He thinks I believed Lawrence.” Megan started her car. “I have to find him.”

  “He’s at the cabin.”

  She put the car in gear as the words sank in. “You knew where he was the whole time?”

  “Yes. I just had to see if you cared enough to help him. He didn’t run from you, Megan, he thought you didn’t want him there.”


  “His friend. If you’re good to him, I’ll be your friend too.”

  “I don’t think I want you for an enemy.”

  “You really don’t. I had to make sure you really cared before I sent you after him. Otherwise, I’d send one of the guys.”

  “I care,” she said softly. Another thought occurred to her. “Were you lying about his brother too? Did you know about him?”

  “No. No one knew. Adam never said a word.”

  Because he couldn’t, Megan thought, remembering what he’d told her. Sadness for Adam gripped her. “Gotta go.”

  “Take care of him, Megan.”

  “Count on it.”


  Adam stood in the kitchenette, downing coffee. The box sat on the coffee table between the couch and the fireplace. He could light a fire and burn it all. Or he could store the box somewhere.

  He gave himself today to decide. Today to wallow in his misery. Today to be pathetic.

  Tomorrow, Tuesday, he was going to get back to work. Saturday was the Celebrity Golf Tournament, and the celebs would begin arriving on Thursday. So, yeah, tomorrow he would get back to work—after he talked to Megan. He was moving the security agency here, and he wanted visitation with his son. He would look for a house as close to Megan and Cole as he could find. He’d agree to only see Cole in her presence if she wished, but he was seeing his son.

  But that was tomorrow.

  Today he needed to get his shit together. His men and Sienna, they were going to ask questions. He had to find a way to answer them.

  A loud knock at the door shattered his thoughts. He’d shut his phone off a few hours ago, knowing damn well Sienna would track him once he went off the grid. He’d bet she had succeeded. His assistant was too damned smart.

  He ignored the pounding, walking barefoot to the bedroom. He couldn’t bear any questions today. His throat tightened at the thought of trying to tell anyone about Brady.

  “Adam, please, open the door.”

  Shock rooted him to the floor. Not his guys, not even Sienna.


  He ran a hand through his hair. What was she doing here? How had she found him? Why? He looked down. He was wearing sweatpants and nothing else.

  “Adam, I’m not leaving until we talk.”

  If it was anyone else…

  But it was Megan. He stopped fighting the inevitable and went to the door. He pulled it open, felt his chest clench at the sight of her. The sun poured down over her, catching all the red and gold in her long hair. Her face was bare of makeup, and she wore a tailored, button-down shirt. So beautiful.

  “We need to talk.”

  He didn’t want to talk. He wanted to yank her into his arms, pick her up, and take her to bed. She trusted him in bed.

  He held the door open. “All right. If you think it’s safe to be alone with me.” Yeah, that was snide.

  She grabbed the door from him and slammed it shut.

  Whoa. She was pissed. He watched as she tossed her purse on the bar dividing the kitchenette from the living room and whirled around. “You know what, Adam? I came over here feeling sorry for you.”

  “I didn’t ask for your pity.”

  “No. You did what you always do when things get emotionally tough. You ran.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at her. “You were afraid, didn’t want me to touch you.”

  “Afraid? No, Adam, I was freaking terrified. And angry. And shocked. And then you were suddenly there.” She stalked away, as if she couldn’t keep still. “Logan told me you guys got in through Cole’s window. He said you cut out a piece of the glass, reached in, and unlocked it.”

  “I’ll pay for that.”

  She pivoted back around. “Shut up.” She smacked her palm against his chest. “I am not afraid of you. I was never afraid of you. I was terrified of the situation. I’d never seen that side of Lawrence, he stunned and drugged Max, and you—”

  Adam ground his jaw, waiting for it.

  “I’ve never seen anyone move so quiet, or so fast. You pulled your gun up so you wouldn’t hit me and slammed your arm into Lawrence’s neck. I was stunned. It was over just like that.”

  He waited. Yeah, he got that Meg wasn’t used to violence. He didn’t ever want her used to it. “You freaked out about Cole. You thought—”

  “Don’t you dare!” She dug her fingers into his chest with enough pressure to show her anger. “I was afraid Lawrence had done something. He hurt Max right in front of me, Adam. He came prepared to take down my dog. How did I know he hadn’t gotten into Cole’s room and drugged him or something already? He had a key to my house!”

  Adam saw it stamped on her face. Terror for their son. He wrapped his hands around her arms. “He’s fine, Meg. Cole’s fine. We went in there first to secure him. You’re just as important, but he’s a kid. Always get the kid first.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “I didn’t think about that, Adam. It was pure instinct. But I wasn’t afraid of you. I’m not afraid of you now.” She sucked in a breath, and a tear rolled down her face. “Can you let go of my arms?”

  He released her, jerking his hands back. Instantly, he remembered Lawrence holding her down on the floor. “You’re bruised?”

  “Yeah, nothing major.”

  “Did the paramedics check you?”

  She shook her head. “It wasn’t that bad. And I was working on Max, getting an IV started to keep him hydrated and help him flush the sedatives. I kept him at home, but I wanted to monitor him.”

  Regret ripped through him. No one had taken care of her, and she’d been too busy to take care of herself. Adam reached up and worked open the top button of her shirt.

  She slapped at his hands. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to look at the bruises. Then I’m going to get you some ibuprofen and take care of you.”

  She moved back.

  He stepped forward, never stopping his work on the buttons. “I know you’re pissed, I get it. I screwed up.” His guts calmed for the first time since he’d walked out of her house the previous night. He didn’t know if they had a chance, but she wasn’t afraid of him. That counted for something. He looked into her blue gaze, the eyes he loved so much.

  “We have to talk. Sex isn’t the answer to this.” Putting her hands on his forearms, she added, “I don’t solve problems with sex the way you do.”

  He resisted looking down at the skin he was baring. Instead, he stayed locked into her gaze. “I’m taking care of you. Sex between us, it rocks. More than rocks, it’s mind blowing. But there’s more than that. Like talking to you while we cook dinner together, taking our son to a carnival, or just hanging out in the backyard playing.” His fingers freed the next button. “Hell, just watching you work when you helped Ellie, I loved being there, helping you. You have passion for your work, and I admire that about yo

  Her eyes widened, but she stayed quiet.

  “You’re right. I ran like a coward last night. Not just from you, but from the questions.” Finished with the buttons, he eased the shirt back over her shoulders. He couldn’t help but look at all her creamy skin and the black bra holding her breasts. Gently, he slid the shirt down her arms and saw the bruises. Anger flared in him. Both at that asshole for hurting her, and at himself for leaving her.

  “Questions about your brother?”

  Dragging his gaze from her arms, he slid the shirt over her hands, then laid it over his shoulder. Going into the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of water and poured out a couple ibuprofen tablets. Returning to Meg, he said, “Take these.”

  “I’m just sore, it’s not that bad.”

  He wasn’t buying it. “Doctor, I’m not asking. I made it worse when I caught hold of your arms. Take them.”

  “You’re acting weird.” But she took the pills and downed them with the water he handed her.

  He set the water down and helped her put her shirt back on. They were going to talk, and he could concentrate better if she were dressed. He began doing up the buttons. “I haven’t been able to talk about what happened for years.”

  Megan put her hands over his, stopping his fingers. “You don’t have to answer questions. You don’t owe anyone the details of what happened. But I want you to know, I’m sorry you lost a brother. I need to tell you that.”

  She surprised the shit out of him by pushing his hands off the buttons and pressing herself against his chest. She wrapped her arms around him and held him. Adam stood there, his arms spread out, and looked down at Megan. She was hugging him. Comforting him.

  He wasn’t alone.

  For the first time since that dreadful day, he didn’t feel alone, trapped in the silence of his guilt and remorse. He could feel the icy hold of those old feelings beginning to crack and chip. Wrapping his arms around Megan, feeling her warm, soft body against his, her silky hair brushing his chest and arms, he felt lighter. Easier. He rested his cheek on her head.

  A perfect moment. One that gave him courage. Finally, he released her.

  “I want to tell you the truth.”

  Chapter Eighteen